company statement

At Dlaraaishah we’re committed to respecting your privacy. We believe a business should use customer information honestly and only so that we can provide a better experience for our customers, either:
Directly – for example by using data about what products you’ve looked at in the past to show you more products we think you’ll like in the future, 
Indirectly – like judging the performance of our website so that we can constantly improve it for a better experience for all our customers.

We will keep your information safe, never misuse it and never pass it on to other companies. This privacy policy explains how we collect and use personal information. We recommend you read it in full before using this website or submitting any personal information – that way you know exactly what we’ll be doing with the information you give us and can rest assured you won’t have to worry about it. 

We wouldn’t ask for this information if we could provide the same high quality online shopping experience without it.


When you place orders or access account information, we offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us.Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally require proof of identity before we are able to disclose sensitive information to you.



We may share information with governmental agencies or private companies assisting us in fraud prevention or investigation. We may do so when: (1) permitted or required by law; (2) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorised transactions; or, (3) investigating fraud which has already taken place. We will not provide your information to any other company or organisation for marketing purposes.


1. What type of data do we collect?

We collect personal information, such as your name, postal addresses, email address, phone number, purchase history and browsing behaviour. We store this information when you place an order with Dlaraaishah or submit your data to us (using a web-form or a newsletter sign-up form).

2. Why do we collect your data?

We use a customer engagement system that will allow us to communicate with our customers and users in a sophisticated manner. What this means for you is that we’ll make better use of all the data we have about you to ensure that we only send you emails that are completely relevant to you. It also means we will be able to offer an advance ‘personal shopper’ style experience that uses a combination of data based on how you interact with the site (behavioural data) and PII (when you’re logged in).

We’ve built the website in such a way that you can browse and enjoy most of the site without ever having to give us any information that could identify you as a specific person (in legal parlance that data is referred to as PII – and includes, but isn’t limited to, email address, name etc).

However some of the more advanced features of the site (including buying things!) do require some PII. This includes providing us with adequate information to process payment and delivery of your orders or contact you following the completion of Contact Us, Price Match or Newsletter Sign Up forms.

3. How we use your data

An example might be that if we can see you’re spending a lot of time browsing a particular category we might email you with some helpful information such as a video or buyers guide relating to that category. Without this technology we would only have the option to hope people found buyers guides on their own, or send emails to everyone (that had chosen to receive our marketing emails) regardless of whether it would be of any relevance.

4. Disclosure

Because PII is particularly sensitive, we’re also particularly careful about how it’s used: we never, ever share or sell PII (or any data for that matter) to any other business. The only exceptions are third party partners named on this page. These are trusted partners that allow us to deliver a better shopping experience, and data is only shared with them to enable that.

5. Our trusted partners

Our trusted partners each have their own privacy policies and terms and conditions. Dilara Aishah Stylista has no control over these, and they may change over time. We will endeavour to monitor any such changes, and terminate our use of their services, should we deem their privacy policy to be in conflict with our own or in anyway a threat to your privacy.

Our partners are listed below:

  • IGSHOP – the development team who build and maintain our site.
  • Facebook – We never share your personal information with Facebook, but your information may be used to profile you against your Facebook account. This in turn allows us to serve you with relevant advertising on Facebook based on your browsing and purchase history.
  • Google – We do not share your personal information with Google, but your information may be used to profile you against your existing Google account. This in turn allows us to serve you with relevant advertising on Google’s sites based on your browsing and purchase history.
  • Google Customer Reviews – After your purchase at Dlaraaishah you may be asked if you want to opt in to leave a review with Google Customer Reviews. If you opt in we will share simple order and personal information with Google, solely for the purpose of leaving us a review.
  • POSLAJU, NINJAVAN and J&T – To complete your online transactions, we will send the required details to our courier partners. This will include, but is not limited to: Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address

6. Opting out of marketing

We offer the opportunity to opt-out of marketing activities such as our email newsletters and postal mailings, and will not pass your data on to third-party companies. Look for the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of each email, or contact us to opt out of other marketing formats.

7. Commitment to Data Security

Your data is held in accordance with our data protection registration notification. When you place an order on this website, we consider the information you enter as private. The information is kept on a secure server protected from outside parties.

We keep all your personally identifiable information secure. Only authorised employees, agents and contractors (who have agreed to keep information secure and confidential) have access to this information. All email newsletters from Dlaraaishah offer automated unsubscribe services so you can opt out of further mailings. To opt out of any other form of marketing, please contact us.

8. Leaving This Website

Our website may contain links to enable you to visit other websites of interest easily. However, once you have used these links to leave our site you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Having said this, we abide by this privacy policy to the greatest extent we can in the management of external web services utilised by Dlaraaishah such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter. These services are however governed by their own privacy policies.

9. Additions

From time to time these practices may change, usually when we introduce new technology to further enhance your shopping experience or our site performance but any changes will be listed below this ‘Additions’ section and will only be applied moving forwards.


Like most websites, we use cookies on the Dlaraaishah website. But don’t worry, it’s nothing to worry about! Ready to dispel the myths? We’re here to explain exactly how website cookies work and exactly why we use them on our site.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are pieces of data stored on your computer, which our website uses to help provide a better experience for you as a customer.

No personal information (PII) is collected by the cookies; they simply allow you to have a smoother shopping experience. These help us to find trouble spots, so we can understand how visitors interact with the Dlaraaishah website and how many are viewing our site.

2. How do we use cookies?

2.1 Shopping Cart: When you add multiple items to your cart, a cookie is used to remember all the items that are in your cart. This cookie is stored for a short period of time, in case you want to return to our site later that day to complete your purchase(s).

2.2 Recommendations: A cookie is used to recommend a range of products that might be relevant to your interests, based on the content you’ve viewed on our site.

2.3 Customer Login: When you log in to our website, we set a cookie that keeps you logged on, so you can check out from our website without having to enter your password more than once. This cookie is short-term and will be remembered for around 24 hours.

2.4 Analytics: We use cloud-based services called Google Analytics and IBM Tealeaf to provide insight into how customers use our website. For example, we can see what the most visited products are, identify website technical issues, or find out if anyone read our latest blog! The information includes behavioural data like pages users viewed, buttons/links that users clicked, and key actions that users take throughout the online browsing and ordering process. We use this information to improve our customer experience, like showing you our most popular gear, improving the speed of the website and providing content you want to read.

Please Note: These cookies store no personal information about you and your personal browsing activity is anonymised, so users cannot be monitored individually. Analytics cookies can be stored for up to 30 days. This allows us to see how many users have returned to the site after an initial visit.

2.5 Facebook Modules: The embedded Facebook comments and Facebook Like buttons use cookies, set by Facebook, to determine whether you are currently logged into Facebook or not. These cookies are not used to collect data. We do not have access to this cookie data. Both of these services are hosted by Facebook on facebook.com.

We also use Facebook Pixel. This involves a cookie which allows us serve adverts based on your browsing and purchasing behaviour on facebook.com. Your personal data is not shared in anyway, and the information is anonymised, so we cannot track your individual behaviour.

2.6 Bing and Google Shopping Cookies: When you perform a search on Bing and/or Google, you are eligible to see product shopping ads. Should you click a product advert from a search engine, including image search, they will store a cookie on your machine. This helps us understand how many people saw or clicked an advert from Dlaraaishah.

2.7 In accordance with our Location service (Collection of Information Point 11) your location (Country and Continent) are stored as a Cookie. This allows us to display improved delivery information around the site.

3. How do I manage my cookies?

We recommend that you allow websites to set cookies. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to navigate dlaraaishah.com if you disallow cookies.

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can change the settings of your browser to erase cookies or prevent automatic acceptance if you prefer.

Contact Details

Dilara Aishah Stylista
No. 32A, Jalan Equine 1G,
Pusat Komersial Equine
43300 Seri Kembangan

Telephone: 016-4915254
Email: dlaraaishah@gmail.com